I was updating a page on my personal promotional site,
specifically the page: www.terscott.com/speaker
and I wanted to add some viable key
words in my Meta tags so the search engines could find it easily and lead
visitors to it who might be interested in booking my speaking services.
(By the way, you can
get a “Finder’s Fee” for any lead that results in a paid booking. CLICK HERE
for details). Now back to our regularly scheduled program; that of learning
to get visitors to your site.
I’m an advocate for “not re-inventing the wheel” but also “not
copying”, so when I wanted some suggestions
for Meta tags that are working for companies with a website offering services
similar to mine; that of public speaking, I searched for the bigger and most successful ‘”training”
companies. So, of course I looked at the first companies listed, which means
these people paid to be listed in that position (these are paid listings not an
“organic” listing which is created by popularity, good content, the right key
words, and Meta tags).
What I found surprised me so much, that I thought I’d share
it with my visitors to this Web Tips Blog. What I will share here may
surprise you and like many of the tips I share, usually knowing and using just
one or two will more than pay the price of my Website Design Power and High Octane Traffic Secrets System at the
right of this page; get it if you haven’t already done so! (The price will go
up and the bonuses will be removed as more people get the system and my time to
offer consulting is limited).
One of the tips in the Website Design Power and High Octane Traffic
Secrets System is that you need to use appropriate key words in your Meta tags
for your site.
This really isn’t an ad for my system, so if you don’t know
what Meta Tags are, you can Google “Meta tags” on your own, but for now, I’ll
tell you that they are simply the words you add to your site that describe what
it is to the search robots so they know how and where to rank your site so when
people look for those terms on the internet, they find you! For most readers
this would probably be the job of the “web wizard”; the person who manages your
site. So with the following information, implement it yourself or teach your
web wizard something.
Two things to
remember about Meta tags:
I speak here about two concerns, or situations, in
considering what key words to use in your Meta tags, also for paragraph and
blog entry titles, and captions for your photos (because search robots and
spiders consider all of those; not just the Meta tag words).
The first thing to remember is that we always need to put ourselves
in the shoes of the person who needs and searches for our product or service. Just
as we do with our “offline” marketing, we also do with “online” marketing: “To
sell John Jones buys, we need to see through John Jones’ eyes”.
Let’s say someone is traveling, and has car trouble. He or
she would not look in the yellow pages for Joe’s Garage (if that is your
business and website), because being new to the area, he or she does not know
that Joe or his garage even exists. This stranded motorist might look in a
phone book using terms like: garage, auto mechanic and car repair. Today with a
Smartphone or desktop computer, when using the search engines one might use all
of those, but being more specific, one might use key words such as car trouble;
fix my car, and flat tire. So you, the website owner and wizard might use all
of those and also add the local area within your word usage such as “fix my car
Duluth MN” for example.
Go ahead, copy any of those words and place them in any
search engine of choice, Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Or, simply place them into
your address bar and see what listings show up. What did you find? OK, then;
use this information in thinking of words and key word phrases for your Meta
tags, and also for the titles on you webpage or blog.
The second thing to remember in thinking of and using words
for your Meta tags is to get the visitors who who have heard of you and your
business so they may actually use your company name in the search engine. Sometimes
they might not remember your name correctly or in total (Jill’s, Joes, or Julie’s
Garage), they may think it’s spelled differently or have “fat fingers” (it’s
OK, that’s a real term. Go to www.fatfingers.com
if you don’t believe me; it’s a great tool also). With this all being the case,
consider adding your name, city location, and even a misspelling within your
list of Meta tags.
Now, here is the big surprise that I told you that I would share with
you at the beginning of the communication. Are you ready? Here’s what I found when
I searched other websites that were similar to mine so I could get suggestions
to use on my web page’s Meta tags. Again, are you ready?
Yes, nothing. Several sites (and I’m sure I can find
zillions of others if I wanted to waste my time) had nothing for Meta tags.
What are they (or their web wizards) thinking? They did not err by having the
wrong key words, or by not using their business name and location, but they
actually had nothing for the search robots and spiders to munch on and spit out
to show the world of prospects for their product and service, that “we are open
for business, come in and buy”.
Here’s one example of a bad Meta tags usage; none given:
Oops! I realized that I can't show it to you because it shows their web address and I don't want them to see that I'm "picking" on them.
Just know that when you look "inside" and view the source code, that after it shows <meta name: "keywords", that there are none there! Wow, a big let down, expecially with a big company that could be getting more hits with just this one simple thing and they probably don't even know it!
Now here's an example of a better use of Meta tags; because they
actually have some! Sure, one could always get in here and modify this to make it better but at least they have them:
I know that this may not show clearly, but just know that all of the type in blue are good meta tags.
Can you see the difference? I'm not bragging; who knows if these are the "right" keywords; time will tell, but at least I have them!!!
HINT: The way to find the Meta tags used by a website is to right
click with your mouse anywhere on the site and click on “view source”. This
opens a page with a whole lot of mumble jumbo, or Greek, or Geek; whatever you
prefer. No worries. You can choose to go to school and become a webmaster and
understand the details or just find where it shows you “Meta tags”. See what’s
listed and how you might use similar or some of the same key words for your web
I hope you found this post helpful and that you’ll go now to
your web pages and make these modifications and additions. I know it is a bit
of work, but you pretty much only have to do it once with maybe minor tweaks in
the future and it will pay off, believe me. If you haven’t gotten the Website
Design Power and High Octane Traffic Secrets System yet, you are really missing
out. The first few orders receive consultation from me via email, sweet!
Make it a great day!
Terrific. Energizing.
PS. I'm thinking of creating a subscription based service that for just $7 a month, I will review websites. Any subscriber can have me evaluate their site (optional) but will learn as I evaluate others and I will feature a website that I think is done well (I will offer evaluation here too) but I will interview the creator of the site so readers can get tips and ideas from the experience. Interested? Let me know by your comment below or contact me via the Contact Us page at www.terscott.com. I'll need at least 100 plus subscribers before I can do this, so let me know soon.